If your company deals with credit card numbers, patient records, customer information or other sensitive data, the list of compliance standards, federal regulations, and state laws can be very long. And if you’re a healthcare organization? It’s even more complex. What is HIPAA? Probably the most well-known compliance standard is the Health Insurance Portability and […]
In an effort to stay relevant with current and emerging threats, HITRUST has made several updates. First, the big news: HITRUST has expanded its assessment portfolio to include a less-complex assessment with fewer requirements, called the Essentials, 1-year (e1) Validated Assessment. HITRUST has also updated the release of CSF v11, made new Correction Active Plan […]
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has responded to the increase in cybersecurity attacks by publishing the Cybersecurity Risk Management Reporting Framework, also known as the System and Organization Controls (SOC) for Cybersecurity. In a SOC for Cybersecurity report, a CPA reports on an organization’s enterprise-wide cybersecurity risk management program. Why Are SOC […]
In 2004, as threats to technology were becoming more and more common, President George W. Bush and Congress declared October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month, with the goal to help people protect themselves online. To cap off Cybersecurity Awareness Month 18 years later, we spoke with 360 Advanced Practice Director John Kadechka about the history of […]
With experts forecasting that a recession is looming, many businesses might be making tough choices about what’s important to their bottom line. We talked with our Director of Compliance Strategy, Eric Ratcliffe, about the make-or-break effect cybersecurity measures and compliance programs can have on a business and why it’s not the time to cut back […]
360 Advanced Senior Practice Manager Sushma Uniyal’s article “The Top Five Audit Essentials for Driving Efficiency and Value” was recently published in the ISACA Journal. It touches on some major points audit teams are wise to address for a successful engagement. In her article, Uniyal provides 5 tips that will keep projects on time—and keep […]
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